Choice and Personalisation


In Lancashire and South Cumbria we want to ensure that women and birthing people’s maternity care is personalised to their needs and those of the baby and family. Women and birthing people should be able to make decisions about their care during pregnancy, during birth and after their baby’s birth, through an ongoing dialogue with professionals that empowers them. They should feel supported to make well informed decisions through a relationship of mutual trust and respect with health professionals, and their choices should be acted upon.

Understanding all your options means you can make choices and be fully involved in decisions about your individual care. This will help to make your experience positive even if unexpected things happen along the way.

Your care providers (the midwives and doctors at your chosen NHS Trust) will listen to your preferences, answer your questions and concerns, and provide you with unbiased information, explaining the risks and benefits of each option in any situation. You will have regular opportunities to have conversations about your personal circumstances. Being informed will mean that you can make the decisions which are right for you.

We would encourage you to get in touch soon after you have a positive pregnancy test so that your personalised care and support plan can begin. Every woman is entitled to antenatal care and the early weeks of pregnancy are significant in the baby’s growth and development so we would love to hear from you soon.


  • Improve choices and resources available so that all women and birthing people can make informed decisions about their maternity care.
  • Women and birthing people are central in developing and agreeing their personalised care and support plans, including deciding who is involved in the process.
  • Women and birthing people have proactive personalised conversations that focus on what matters to them, paying attention to their needs and wider health and wellbeing. 
  • Women and birthing people agree the health and wellbeing outcomes they want to achieve in partnerships with the relevant professionals. 
  • Each woman and birthing person has a sharable personalised care and support plan that records what matters to them, their outcomes and how they will be achieved. 
  • Women and birthing people can formally and informally review their personalised care and support plan.
  • More women and birthing people can give birth in midwifery led settings.

News & updates

My 53-year Career as a Midwife

Eileen Shaw, started out as a student Nurse in 1969 in Northern Ireland, before qualifying as a midwife in 1974. Eileen has since had a 53 year...

Lancashire and South Cumbria
Choice and Personalisation resources and information

Coming soon…
Coming soon…

Choice and Personalisation Downloads

Your Birth Your Choice


Making decisions about your care - Poster


Maternity Personalised Care And Support Plan



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