Perinatal mental health


In Lancashire and South Cumbria Local Maternity System, perinatal mental health is an important part of our service-development plans and priorities. Collaborating with the North-West Coast Clinical Network for perinatal mental health, local maternity, mental health and voluntary services we are striving to improve health outcomes for all.

As part of our work, we are developing a new maternal mental health service that will aim to:

  • Offer additional specialised support during your maternity journey
  • Give you access to a range of specialist support and peer support volunteers
  • Work with you to develop an individual package of care

There are also a range of resources and information available to support you with your experiences and journey through childbearing, birth and early parenthood.

Please browse through all we have to offer.

News & updates

My 53-year Career as a Midwife

Eileen Shaw, started out as a student Nurse in 1969 in Northern Ireland, before qualifying as a midwife in 1974. Eileen has since had a 53 year...

Perinatal Mental Health
NHSEi project resources and information

Coming soon…
Coming soon…

Training and learning opportunities


Institute of Health Visiting Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Champions training

We have over 20 iHV PIMH Champions across Lancashire and South Cumbria. Look out for upcoming training and for more opportunities to join the local Champions group.

Find out about becoming a iHV PIMH Champion here


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