Better Training, Better Birth
Coming Soon…
Alexandra Murphy
Public Health, Prevention and Early Intervention Strategic Manager
I have a background at both practitioner and leadership level in both midwifery and health visiting.
Previous roles have included Infant Feeding Coordinator for community services and then later within maternity, Specialist Health Visitor for Sure Start, Practice Development Lead for 0-19 services and Development Support Officer at the Centre for Early Child Development at A Better Start Blackpool leading on the transformation of Blackpool’s health visiting service.
Currently as Public Health, Prevention and Early Intervention Strategic Manager for the local maternity transformation programme within Lancashire and South Cumbria, my work nurtures a shift in culture to ensure that prevention work is embedded in the daily work across our maternity units and associated local systems. Our current priority areas are smoke free pregnancies, parent-infant relationships, infant feeding, maternal nutrition and trauma informed care.
Together with service users, services, commissioners and local public health teams we co-produce action plans which aim to standardise policies, guidance and training for staff and to develop or strengthen pathways of care for service users so that you can access care that is personalised to you.
News & updates
Maternity Transformation Programme Bulletin No.122: 9 November 2022
My 53-year Career as a Midwife
Maternity Transformation Programme Bulletin No.121: 21 October 2022
Useful information and links
Local and regional information for families and staff
Local information
Local support resources:
Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria: Looking after your Mental Health
Blackpool Better Start: Big Little Moments
Family stories and support resources, collated by Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
Services and referrals:
Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust: Perinatal Mental Health Services
Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust: Perinatal Community Service referral criteria
Ribblemere Mother and Baby Unit
Regional information
North-West Coast Clinical Network Perinatal Mental Health Spring 2021 Newsletter
Clinical Network information:
North-West Coast Clinical Network Perinatal Mental Health information
National information for families
PATH: Tackling mental health stigma
MIND: Postnatal depression and perinatal mental health
Pandas Foundation: Supporting perinatal mental health
Maternal Mental Health Alliance
OpenP.A.W.S: Perinatal Anxiety and Worry Support
Action on Postpartum Psychosis: What is Postpartum Psychosis?
Make Birth Better: Birth Trauma support for parents
Resources for support: