Reproductive Trauma Service

What is the service?

In the United Kingdom [UK], Perinatal Mental Health difficulties affect up to one in five women and one in ten men during pregnancy and the first year after having a baby. Many women have experienced birth trauma or loss or have a fear of childbirth. Early detection, referral and support can have lasting, positive outcomes and improved wellbeing.

The Lancashire and South Cumbria Reproductive Trauma Service has been set up to offer a variety of support and therapies to those who have experienced birth trauma, a fear of childbirth (tokophobia), or perinatal loss (including early miscarriage, recurrent miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death, termination of pregnancy for any reason, parent infant separation at birth).

What is the service?

The team of specialist health professionals include

  • Maternal mental health midwives
  • Psychological therapists
  • Mental Health Practitioners
  • Peer support coordinators and volunteers with lived experience

The trained therapists will provide a range of psychological interventions and support which will be discussed with you to meet your personal needs. These may include psychological therapies, relaxation techniques, anxiety management or information to help you with your difficulties. They may be within a group or in a one-to-one setting.

This service recognises that fathers/birthing partners and co-parents play an integral role in the wellbeing of the woman. Any fathers/partners and co-parents of women accessing support from our service will be offered an assessment and signposted accordingly if appropriate.

The service is being co-produced with women (and men) with lived experience of reproductive trauma and/or loss to gain a better understanding of their needs. Through this we understand that talking to people who have experienced something similar is often really helpful. Our peer support coordinators will match up women/fathers/partners and co-parents with an appropriate peer support volunteer to provide additional support. 

What happens next?

The best person to speak to if you feel you need some support is your health care professional such as GP, health visitor or midwife. They will discuss your difficulties with you and may recommend this service to you or an appropriate alternative. If you are referred to the Lancashire and South Cumbria Reproductive Trauma Service, a member of the team will contact you to arrange an initial consultation.

They will work with you to consider what support may be beneficial to you within this service or discuss alternative options with you if more appropriate.

For more information or to contact the team please view our webpage at

If you feel you need more immediate support, please contact your GP between the hours of 9am until 5pm or call NHS 111 or contact the following:

The Samaritans on 116123 ( – 24-hour service

Wellbeing and Mental Health Helpline on 0800 915 4640 (freephone and texting service)

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 7pm until 11pm
Saturday and Sunday 12pm until midnight

News & updates

My 53-year Career as a Midwife

Eileen Shaw, started out as a student Nurse in 1969 in Northern Ireland, before qualifying as a midwife in 1974. Eileen has since had a 53 year...

Useful information and links

Reproductive Trauma Service Downloads for staff